Vision Statement Template

Setting an Organizational Vision Statement

vision statement is a statement of an organization’s overarching aspirations of what it hopes to achieve or to become.  Download the below Vision Statement Template to get started with your organizational aspirations.

vision statement template

Aspirational Planning

Your plan’s vision is a broad description of the value an organization provides. Regardless of how ambitious your strategic plan is, your vision is the tool that inspires your team to do their best.

It is a visual image of what the organization is trying to produce or become. Your vision statement should inspire people and motivate them to want to be part of and contribute to the organization.




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Next up: Writing a Values Statement

Download the Template

Learn more about setting your vision with our downloadable Vision Statement Template.

What's in the Guide

What role does vision serve?

Learn how your vision statement is unique from mission statements or values and use it to inspire action.

Writing Tips

Specific visions are more likely to be stated in a specified time frame and are measurable. Learn how to write a vision that drives results.

Additional Resources

Examples of powerful vision statements to help inspire your planning and development.