Strategist-Approved Guides
Build Your Strategic Plan Around Alignment, Communication & Transparency
Beginning with high-level planning to creating leadership teams and assigning tasks, our education-driven guides will help you form a measurable and actionable strategic plan.
These guides were developed to help you create a new plan or refresh an existing strategy. Insights from our strategy experts are threaded through each step to help you write a plan that aligns teams, empowers communication and executes your vision.

Write a Strategic Plan
This guide includes:
- Tips to create a holistic plan that inspires lasting change
- The importance of balancing strategic elements
- Examples of completed plans to assist your research

Mission Statement
This guide includes:
- Advice for how to set the course of your strategic plan
- Help creating a memorable mission that drives strategic plans to execution
- Framing a mission that motivates and energizes action

Vision Statement
This guide includes:
- Tips for writing a vision statement that unites teams
- Steps to drive results with a cohesive planning
- How to earn buy-in from teams at every level

Values Statement
This guide includes:
- Steps to guide organizational trajectory with a relevant values statement
- How to choose values that promote transparency and communication
- Breakdown of how values drive strategic focus

Define Segments
This guide includes:
- Lessons on how your organizational segments help monitor and compartmentalize strategic plans.
- How to choose groups that occur naturally within your organization
- Additional resources to aid your development

Planning Strategies
This guide includes:
- Tips to create strategies that play to your organizational strengths
- Advice on writing a complementary strategy to realize your objective goals and action items
- Identify the best strategies to get a plan up-and-running

Planning Objectives
This guide includes:
- Writing tips for how to create specific, quantifiable objectives
- Learn how to tie objectives to strategies and action items
- Fill-in-the-blank guide to assign objectives to strategies and tactics

Assigning Tactics
This guide includes:
- Guide for how to tie tactics to strategies and objectives
- Two important questions to ask before forming your action items
- Examples of cohesive tactics that drive results

One-Page Strategic Plan
This guide includes:
- Examining the ‘next big thing’ and how you will respond
- Focusing on your weakest link and making it a priority to improve it
- Creating or sustaining a culture of getting everyone involved